This post is out of date and some portions of it may have been removed, or may no longer apply to the current version of RPGWanderer. Please check out this announcement for context.
Here’s some of the fixes and features we’ve rolled out in the last week!
- Character sheets now have a “Rolls” tab with a dice rolling tool. Various stats around the sheet are clickable to make rolls automatically. (More coming!)
- Rest Dice are now shown, and tracked on the “Charges” tab.
- We’ve added a dialog to help guide players through leveling. More levels and better integrations are on the way.
- We’ve rolled out Kickstarter backer redemption codes! Backers will be sent a message with a code they can use to start collecting backer rewards as they come out! You’ll find the redemption form on your account page.
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed an issue where some players were having issues changing character stats on their sheets.
- Combat encounters were improperly centered on some resolutions/ display zoom sizes.
- Various fixes all over the place. We just released, after all.
You can help us keep making improvements by supporting us on Kickstarter.
And as always, Chapter 1 is free to play from your browser.
Calm seas, clement winds.