Hey all,
Excited to bring you our first campaign update. Given that we went into this first project with little to no existing social media presence, it’s been pretty magical to see people find, play and support the project.
On our end, we’re focused on remediating that by doing a better job at getting the word out, and on improving the game. Here are the exact features we have our sights on:
1) Adding Spell slot and other Features tracking to the character sheet – Done at the time of this update. This was the biggest missing piece in our sheets.

2) Add Hit Die support to our character sheet – The story involves opportunities to take Short Rests, but we do nothing to help you execute & track your rests. Oops. This will be added in time for the next update.
3) Quality of life improvements to currency & item tracking – The feedback on this is consistent; managing a custom party of four is fun, but at the same time brutally laborious when it comes time to manage currency and inventory. We’re adding:
- A Party Gold tracker in the sidebar
- The ability to automatically add gold rewards and loot to your character’s inventory without punching it in manually
- The ability to split a purchased item’s cost equally across party members
4) Layering Resistances and Damage types into our combat engine – This is the biggest missing piece in our “semi-guided” combat system. Dealing with stuff like Rage on your Barbarian character involves having to heal yourself for half of the damage you take, because there isn’t a way to apply & remove Resistances. We’re adding that, as well as Damage types, all in preparation for Chapter 2’s combat encounters.
That’s all for this week. Next week – a sneak peek at Chapter 2 artwork!
Join Discord and let us know your feedback. We love brainstorming with you guys.
Thanks for your support,
Aaron & Alex